
Since 15 November 1983.
Last News

XII World Cup

Due to the current international situation, we sadly have to postpone the XII World Cup. We will give you further information in the next months.


The purpose of W.A.S.C.O. federation

Dear colleagues, we want to clarify the purpose of W.A.S.C.O. federation and we invite you to join us only if you agree with our program.

The purpose is to enhance, through non-violent competition, principles of human societies based on universal and positive concepts.

W.A.S.C.O. through its channels promotes the work of all the Organizations or Clubs with which it cooperates.


W.A.S.C.O. with children

W.A.S.C.O. has a specific program for children.

All the Organizations and Clubs which worked with us during these years had had a constant increment of the number of children in their courses.


General rules

W.A.S.C.O. does not ask for any collaboration fee or annual affiliation.

W.A.S.C.O. does not impose any specific training system. Organizations and Clubs which cooperate with W.A.S.C.O. will continue to maintain their own training systems respecting their own program. They will also be able to continue to be affiliated with other federations and organizations if they wish to.

W.A.S.C.O. guarantees the legitimacy of the title awarded in the World Cup because this title is certified by one and only World Organization, TOUCHSPARRING ® W.A.S.C.O.


Rules for collaboration

Organizations and Clubs which would want to cooperate with W.A.S.C.O. must respect the following parameters:

  • Maximum competence and respect during educational work with children and teenagers.
  • Maximum respect of the self-control rule.

These two rules, apparently simple to respect, are the heart and soul of TOUCHSPARRING W.A.S.C.O.